Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Brief Introduction

My name is Kaitlin (please call me Kait or Katie). I'm a "senior" this year majoring in Technology Education. This is only my second year here. I spent two years at URI & transferred here to RIC last year & finally decided on my major last semester, so I'm a little behind, but it's nothing I won't be able to handle.

In my free time, I love to listen to music & write poetry. I played flute from 7th grade until the end of high school, & I sang in high school as well. I *love* to sing.

My semester is going well so far. I'm taking four other classes in addition to FNED, as well as my two part-time jobs. I'm a little anxious to see how I manage to juggle everything, but I think I'll be able to manage. :)

I'm most excited for the tutoring portion of this class. I did it last year & got matched with an awesome theatre class. I'm hoping to get matched with another (or the same) theatre class (hence the name of my journal). If I don't get a theatre class, I won't be devastated, but it is definitely something I am hoping for.

If anyone in the class wants to look me up on Facebook (in order to keep in touch about assignments or whatnot), just type in Kait Fontaine & you should see my face pop right up there.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kait,

    Love the title of your blog. You should send the link to Sue Greenfield at It might help her in her placement process.

    Looking forward to learning with you this term. Remind me to call you Kait!

    Dr. August
